Toupee Q&A

Its understandable that anybody who buys a hair system will have questions. In this article, lets look at some of the most common ones, and their answers.


We’ve stressed repeatedly the importance of being knowledgeable when it comes to buying  a hair system. High quality hair systems fetch a high price and require regular maintenance and care, so it’s best to know what you are getting into before you take the leap. So, without further ado, let’s address some of those burning questions.


  1. As a regular exerciser, I want to know which hair system is best for an active life style.

By default, exercise will make you sweat, and create heat. So, what you want is the most breathable hair system available, and for that purpose you should go with a full lace hair system. They have the added bonus of being easy to remove and apply. Some sellers also offer a combined base of lace and skin. Regardless, just don’t forget to clean it about once a week if you sweat a lot.



  1. What is the most secure kind of base?

For the most part, any hair system that is applied properly. As long as you remove it, clean it, and rebond it every 2-4 weeks, it should be good to go.

However, the full skin base seems to be a favorite precisely because it is secure. This is probably because a full skin base requires a liquid adhesive, which is incredibly long lasting and secure.


  1. Will a hair system damage my scalp, should I want a hair transplant in the future?

Actually, if the hair system is maintained well and cleaned regularly, it could actually be beneficial to your scalp. This is because it can provide some extant protection from the sun and elements.



  1. How often do I need to replace my hair system?

Generally speaking it would depend on what kind of base you have chosen, and if the hair is synthetic or natural human hair. Life spans can vary wildly from two months to a year. However, a year long life span is rare and reserved for most high-quality and expensive systems that most people don’t have. For the average customer you can expect a your toupee to last between one and four months is proper care.



  1. How long should I leave on the hair system bonding agent?

The amount of time you leave the bonding agent on your scalp depends on a number of factors including climate, skin type, and what kind of adhesive you used. There are basically two kinds of adhesive: glue (liquid adhesive) and tape. One, the other, or a mix of both are applied to the scalp for bonding.

If you have an active lifestyle and sweat a lot you should probably clean your hair system every 1-2 weeks to prolong its life span. If you live in a drier climate and are not sweaty often, then you can probably get away with leaving it on for up to 4 weeks. Leaving the liquid adhesive on for more than two weeks isn’t such a good idea though as it can leak through the base and mess up your hair system.



  1. Can I swim, shower, and sleep while wearing my toupee?

This is probably one of the most common questions around, and fortunately for everyone asking, the answer is yes, yes, and yes, but with certain caveats.

If you want to swim, you really should wear a swimming cap. Not only can the chlorine in the water dry out the hair follicles, but the drag created from swimming can pull on the hair as well.

Showering with a toupee on also requires some care and caution. Don’t over-shampoo, don’t rub the hair to hard, and don’t blow dry it. Instead you should pat it dry with a soft towel.

Sleeping with your hair system on is also a common practice and totally fine. We do recommend that you switch to satin or silk pillow covers as this will reduce friction on the hair system.


Well there you have it; some of the most common questions regarding hair systems and their answers. We hope that helped and as always, happy hair hunting.

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